Safety & Security Resources

Developing a safety and security program doesn’t happen overnight. We can connect you to a wealth of tools from trusted sources to guide you through the process. Check out these tools to help develop and improve your church's safety and security team today.


Establishing a Security Mindset Webinar - Performing assessments and acting on your findings can help you protect your ministry’s people and property.

Church Safety & Security: Put Your Team to Work Webinar - As domestic violence, disruptive people, and other related issues make their way into churches, more and more ministries are forming safety and security teams to help protect their people.

Church Safety & Security: Building a Team - Whether you are just forming a security team or looking for ways to improve existing safety policies, this webinar can help.

Church Security: Insurance and the Law - When assessing the church's security policies and procedures, it's important to consider the legal and insurance issues involved.



Surviving a Violent Attack at Church - What would you do if someone entered your church and began shooting? Learn your five best options for survival.

Develop a Volunteer Safety and Security Team - If can be challenging to build a safety and security ministry  based on volunteers, but it can be done. Start wtih these five steps.

Church Security & Armed Security Guards - Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company urges all churches to have a violence response plan—one that helps you respond swiftly and appropriately to threats against people like active shooters.



Responding to Violence Checklist - Violence in church can take many forms. This checklist helps you prepare to respond, whatever the scenario.



Use Risk Assessments to Improve Church Safety & Security - Conducting property risk assessments can help you discover problems hindering church safety. Look for ways to avoid fires, theft, accidents, and injuries.


Security Operations Liability Coverage

More ministries are forming security teams. That's raising insurance coverage questions. Will team members be covered individually for lawsuits caused by a security incident? Does your insurance cover an armed security team? What special coverages do you need to adequately cover your security team?

Brotherhood Mutual's Security Operations Liability Coverage addresses these insurance needs specifically for emergency response incidents. It includes:

  • Primary coverage for team members
  • Coverage for damage to or loss of security-related equipment
  • Increased medical payment and wage loss limits
  • Individual and family counseling benefit for team members

Talk to an American Church Group of Indiana agent to learn more about this coverage designed specifically for ministries.