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There are 21 item(s) tagged with the keyword "protect".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 21

11. Is Your Ministry as Safe as It Could Be?

Have you thought through potential dangers that may confront your ministry? Taking steps to consider and address these risks provides important protection from injuries, lawsuits, fires, and dozens of other hazards that may affect your ministry, especially your employees and those you serve.

Tags: protect, safety, security, security team, protecting staff members, risk management
12. Protect Your Board Against Lawsuits

Lawsuits against churches and ministries are on the rise, making their board members especially vulnerable. Sometimes, courts have found directors and officers personally liable when their actions have resulted in financial damages.

Tags: protect, directors and officers, protecting staff members
13. Incorporation Can Protect Church Members

Incorporation takes the weight of responsibility off the shoulders of individuals and instead, places it on the organization. In contrast, a court may find all members of an unincorporated church legally responsible for negligent or criminal actions committed by one church member.

Tags: protect, directors and officers, protecting staff members
14. How Well Does Your Ministry Secure Personal Data?

Ministries commonly store a variety of personal information about their members and the people who support them. Mailing lists and donation records may be the most familiar repositories of personal information; however, the average church database is also likely to include Social Security numbers and payment card information. Unsecured, this data could make church members vulnerable to criminals—putting church and ministry members at risk.

Tags: cyber security, digital, protect, risk, church offerings, financial gifts, liability, security
15. Keep Would-Be Thieves from Curbing your Christmas Joy

Large or small, churches and ministries are often easy prey for would-be thieves, especially as church holidays, like Christmas, approach and weekly offerings increase as more people return to worship and other ministry activities. Ministry leaders can boost their ability to keep thieves away from their contributions and property by taking just a few precautions—not only during the holidays, but also throughout the year.

Tags: damages, insurance, claims, liability, protect, risk, safety, church offerings, financial gifts
16. Are Your Church Christmas Decorations a Fire Hazard?

What would you do if a windstorm damaged the roof of your church or a child tripped over an unsecured cord and injured his elbow? Do you know how to report a claim?

Tags: liability, protect, risk, safety, fire prevention
17. Always Looking for Church Nursery Volunteers?

Having a hard time finding people to serve in the church nursery? Do new volunteers stop serving, shortly after they begin?  There could be a number of reasons for that.

Tags: safety, risk, protect, liability, youth, volunteers
18. Safety Makes for an Enjoyable Hayride

Every fall, thousands of churches across the nation sponsor hayrides. Unfortunately, these events sometimes lead to serious injuries, even deaths. By following these suggestions, you can minimize the risks involved in sponsoring hayrides and make your hayride a safe and enjoyable experience.

Tags: damages, insurance, claims, liability, outdoor activities, protect, risk, safety
19. Ministries Can Take Steps to Protect their Beliefs

Issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) laws have received a great deal of media and government attention since the 2015 Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage. As a result, many ministry leaders have questions about what the law requires and how they can accommodate LGBTQ* individuals without compromising their religious beliefs

Tags: liability, insurance, protect, religious freedom
20. Reduce the Likelihood of Sexual Misconduct in a Counseling Setting

As a ministry leader, you should understand the legal risks associated with pastoral counseling, and how you can protect your organization and staff against allegations of sexual misconduct.

Tags: liability, risk, protect, pastoral counseling

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 21