Responding to Mission Issues

The modern-day risks of mission abound, but you’re not on your own. A recent study by Missio Nexus and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company found that 63% of mission volunteers and workers will go anywhere, regardless of the risk.* They also want to know there is a plan in place to protect them. One way to provide protection is through insurance.

Having insurance coverage specifically designed for long-term international missions helps protect your people and organization from the financial impact caused by injuries, lawsuits, property damage, and more.

The mission specialists at Brotherhood Mutual revealed how ministries can respond to five mission issues to protect their people and organizations, furthering mission work for decades to come:

  • Communicate the Reality of Risk – Ministry leaders often understand the risks of serving in missions, but a ministry can run into trouble if they don’t fully convey those risks to their employees and volunteers. If an incident occurs, volunteer travelers or ministry workers could sue your ministry, claiming negligence.
  • Watch Out for Surprise Liability – Counseling activities, leadership issues, accusations of misconduct, and many more issues in the field can derail ministry efforts. As a leader, you’ll want to make sure your insurance carries over to long-term foreign operations.
  • Be Prepared for Accidents – The risk of getting injured increases the longer a worker is in the field. Without appropriate care, even minor injuries from a fall or cut can become life-threatening, requiring medical evacuation or hospitalization. Accident insurance helps cover medical expenses like hospital bills, emergency room treatment, medical or surgical treatment, and more.
  • Protect Against Abuse – Whenever a ministry is working with children or youth in a foreign country, there is a risk of a claim of abuse. And if the worker is arrested, it only complicates the situation. Make sure any long-term operations involving children or youth have a child protection plan in place.
  • Protect Your People and Your Mission – Having insurance coverage specifically designed for long-term international missions can help protect your people and organization from the financial impact caused by injuries, lawsuits, property damage, and more. Ministries should consider additional coverages like kidnap and ransom, workers’ compensation, and medical evacuation coverage for any worker serving overseas.

Download the Mission Edition of the Deacon’s Bench for critical updates on topics like virtual kidnapping, juice jacking, injuries and illness, and mission insurance from the specialists at Brotherhood Mutual. Contact your local agent for more information.

*Missio Nexus. Global Missions and Risk. Accessed October 27, 2022.
Coverage decisions are made at the time of an actual claim, subject to all policy terms and conditions.
November 7, 2023
Stop Plumbing Leaks with FloLogic
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Responding to Mission Issues
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November 10, 2022
Evaluate Your Ministry's Fire Safety Plan
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September 9, 2022
School is Back in Session
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July 15, 2022
Shepherding Ministries in a Time of Change
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Resolving Conflict in the Church
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January 25, 2022
Keep Your Ministry's Money Safe
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Theft isn’t just an issue for banks and large companies. Sometimes the kind and caring nature of your ministry is exactly what makes you a target. Organizational Optional Theft Coverage helps to assure that, if a thief takes advantage of your institution, what’s lost can be restored.

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July 22, 2021
Thousands in Relief Funding Available to Ministries Through the Employee Retention Credit
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April 19, 2021
Take Time to Review Your Ministry's Child Protection Plan
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March 16, 2021
Prepare for Severe Spring Storms Now
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When severe storms strike, they can produce high winds and tornadoes. Damaging winds can wreak havoc on your ministry’s property and to buildings. A high wind event can crash debris through your windows, strip your siding, down trees on your parking lot, peel shingles off your roof, and fling back the flashing.

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February 25, 2021
Catalytic Converter Theft on the Rise: Protect Ministry Vehicles
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February 5, 2021
Avoid Frozen Pipes as Temperatures Plummet
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November 23, 2020
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October 28, 2020
Guidance for Ministries About Boy Scouts' Bankruptcy
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